Trip Journals: Africa | Cambodia | China/Bangkok/Singapore | Europe | Europe Cruise | Greece | Haiti | Iberia (Spain / Portugal) | India / Kashmir | Israel / Jordan / Egypt | Italy | Maldives | New Zealand / Sydney | Peru / Machu Picchu | Poland | Russia / Baltic | Scotland | South America | Sri Lanka | Vietnam
/ Size / Time
Diana Salsa.MOV / 255K / 2:51
Boots.MOV / 120K / 1:09
ExcuseMeCalamari.MOV / 116K / 1:03
HappyBirthday.MOV / 114K / 55 sec
Kayaks.MOV /24K / 20 sec
Navigating.MOV / 50K / 46 sec
OnOurWay.MOV / 117K / 1:02
PenguinMason.MOV / 17K / 17 sec
PenguinsCloseUp.MOV / 300K / 2:28
PolarPlunge.MP4 / 610K / 3:18
AntarcticaPenguins.MOV / 41K / 27 sec
AntarcticaPenguins2.MOV / 31K / 8 sec
AntarcticaPenguins3.MOV / 30K / 17 sec
AntarcticaPenguins4.MOV / 77K / 46 sec
AntarcticaPenguins5.MOV / 12K / 8 sec
AntarcticaPenguins6.MOV / 42K / 40 sec
AntarcticaPenguins7.MOV / 64K / 30 sec
AntarcticaPenguins8.MOV / 19K / 20 sec
AntarcticaPenguins9.MOV / 58K / 38 sec
AntarcticaPenguins10.MOV / 38K / 18 sec
AntarcticaPenguins11.MOV / 68K / 47 sec
PenguinsWater.MOV / 90K / 41 sec
PenguinsWater2.MOV / 110K / 1:02
I hope I got these names right - Please email if I need to correct:
Diana, Jeff, Erika, Suneel, Charity
Tish, Amanda, Karin, Jonathan, Gary
Anamika, Suzanna, Kevin, Gary
This page and all other pages in the web site, along with the journals, images, and photos are Copyright © 2021 by Suzanna Travels. All publication rights are reserved. Email: web@ Remove the space after the @